Goosebumps A La Carte


I asked the internet to share songs that give them goosebumps EVERY TIME. My submission was “Strawberry Letter 23” by Shuggie Otis. That coda section is otherworldly. Good stuff. Here are the responses in no particular order. I love the experience of sharing music. Is there no better feeling than to have your mind blown by a “new song” that you just want to hear over and over again? It’s up there with sex and chocolate for sure.

A few things:

  1. It’s a 12+ hour playlist. It’s unreasonable, sure. Maybe small doses to start, then gradually increasing until you reach the desired effect.

  2. The intro to “Eminence Front” by The Who is such a deep vibe. That hits a bunch of buttons for me - synths, deep groove, repetition. I mean this song treads the incredibly fine line between hip and illegal. Bass Chorus? Townsend & Co. somehow pull it off with aplomb.

  3. I’m so glad that someone posted Regina Spektor’s “The Visit.” I hadn’t heard this incredible song before. Thank you.